College Prep Word Search: 200 very challenging puzzles, covering campus life and all of the majors in today’s universities


200 very challenging puzzles, covering campus life and all of the majors in today’s universities. Each puzzle has twenty words, and you must find them Horizontally, Vertically, Diagonally, and even Backwards. There are some very obscure scientific words when you are in the Science puzzles. And you must find the names of dozens of countries…

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200 very challenging puzzles, covering campus life and all of the majors in today’s universities. Each puzzle has twenty words, and you must find them Horizontally, Vertically, Diagonally, and even Backwards. There are some very obscure scientific words when you are in the Science puzzles. And you must find the names of dozens of countries in the Americas, Asia, Europe and Africa. This book is not for your middle school kids. If you know most of this information, you are ready for the Ivy League!

Weight 1.6 lbs
Dimensions 14 × 10 × 1 in
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